

for time:

400m x run



squat clean 60kg/40kg

shoulder to overhead 60kg/40kg


400m x run


8 minute amrap of:

10 x power snatch 50kg/35kg

10 x overhead lunge 50kg/35kg

30 x double-unders


-4:00 rest-


8 minute amrap of:

10/8 x calorie ski

15 x ball slams

20 x squats with slam ball on shoulder


-4:00 rest-


8 minute amrap of:

3 x muscle-ups

10 x dumbbell man makers 15kg/10kg

15 x abmat sit-ups


-4:00 rest-


8 minute amrap of:

200m x run

20 x hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg (10 x each arm)

10 x box jump overs



with a partner in 15 minutes:

4 rounds each i-go-you-go:

10 x clean & jerk 40kg/30kg

10 x burpee over bar

-remaining time amrap-

30 x wall balls

30 x russian kettlebell swings 32kg/24kg

Partner Sweat

12 minute ladder i-go-you-go:

10/8 x calorie assault bike + 1 x bear complex 60kg/40kg

10/8 x calorie assault bike + 2 x bear complex 60kg/40kg

(continue to add 1 bear complex each round)


-4:00 rest-


12 minute amrap of:

30 x thrusters 40kg/30kg

30 x v-sits 10kg/5kg

30 x burpee over bar

30 x toes to bar


-4:00 rest-


12 minute amrap of:

20 x dumbbell man makers 15kg/10kg

20 x pull-ups

20 x calorie row



7 minute 

max burpee box jumps 

-emom 5 x deadlifts 100kg/70kg


-3:00 rest-


7 minute

max calorie ski

-emom 5 x front squats 60kg/40kg


10 minute amrap of:

10 x chest to bar

20 x double-unders

30 x air squats


-4:00 rest-


10 minute amrap of:

20 x dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22.5kg/15kg (10 x each arm)

10 x handstand push-ups

10/8 x calorie row


-4:00 rest-


10 alternating emom of:

1 - max calorie ski

2 - max burpee box jumps



4 rounds for time of:

30 x double-unders

20 x dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22.5kg/15kg (10 x each side)

20 x dumbbell front rack squats 22.5kg/15kg (10 x each side)

5 x muscle-ups


12 minute emom

3 x tng clean & jerk + 2 x burpee over bar 

- add 1 x burpee over bar each minute -


-3:00 rest-


12 minute alternating emom

1 - 20/15 x calorie ski

2 - max reps slam ball


-3:00 rest-


12 minutes

amrap x cindy

every 2 minutes on the minute - 200m x run



'Hope for Kenya'

12 minute amrap of:

50 x air squats

30 x press-ups

15 x pull-ups


12 minute amrap of:

20/15 x calorie ski

20 x alternating dumbbell snatch 22.5kg/15kg

20 x press-ups


-4:00 rest-


12 minute amrap of:

20 x pull-ups

20 x double-unders

20 x kettlebell swings 24kg/16kg


-4:00 rest-


12 minute amrap of:

20 x air squats

20 x hang power cleans 40kg/30kg

20 x push press 40kg/30kg



for time:

50/40 x calorie row

40 x hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg

30 x goblet squats 24kg/16kg

20 x push press 50kg/35kg

10 x clusters 50kg/35kg

20 x bar over burpees

30 x toes to bar

40 x deadlifts 50kg/35kg

50/40 x calorie row


for time:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:

burpee strict pull-ups

squat clean 60kg/40kg

toes to bar

push press 60kg/40kg

strict handstand push-ups

*200m x run after each round*



for time:

buy in - 100 x double-unders

3 rounds of:

20 x hang power clean 40kg/30kg

20 x push press 40kg/30kg

20 x front squat 40kg/30kg

cash out - 100 x double-unders


all workouts are 4 rounds - 90 seconds on / 30 seconds off


1) 12 x deadlift / 9 x hang power clean / 6 x push jerk 60kg/40kg


-3:00 rest-


2) 20/15 x calorie ski / remaining time max burpee box jump overs


-3:00 rest-


3) 21-15-9 pull-ups / thrusters 30kg/20kg


-3:00 rest-


4) 20/15 x calorie row / remaining time max burpee over rower



3 rounds for time of:

20 x wall balls

20 x hand release press-ups

10 x box jumps

10 x front squat 60kg/40kg

5 x power snatch 60kg/40kg

5 x burpee muscle-ups

Partner Sweat

10 minutes:

120 x calorie ski -switching every 12 calories-

max reps dumbbell man-makers 15kg/10kg


-4:00 rest-


10 minutes:

120 x calorie row -switch every 12 calories-

max reps burpee chest to bar


-4:00 rest-


10 minutes:

120 x calorie assault bike -switch every 12 calories-

max reps clean & jerk 60kg/40kg



20 minute amrap of:

400m x run

30 x double-unders

20 x hang power clean 40kg/30kg

10 x thrusters 40kg/30kg


2 rounds of 

400m x run 

15 x hang power snatch 50kg/35kg

15 x overhead squats 50kg/35kg

15 x toes to bar

15 x hang power snatch 50kg/35kg

15 x overhead squats 50kg/35kg

15 x toes to bar

400m x run

15 x hang power clean 50kg/35kg

15 x thrusters 50kg/35kg

15 x chest to bar

15 x hang power clean 50kg/35kg

15 x thrusters 50kg/35kg

15 x chest to bar


cash out:

2km x row/ski



in a 3 minute window:

30/20 x calorie ski

15 x wall ball

remaining time max reps burpee box jump


-1:00 rest-


in a 3 minute window:

400m x run

30 x double-unders

remaining time max reps burpee to target


-1:00 rest-


in a 3 minute window:

30/20 x calorie row

15 x kettlebell swings 24kg/16kg

remaining time max reps burpee over rower


-1:00 rest-


in a 3 minute window:

50 x slam balls

10 x hang clean & jerk 50kg/35kg

remaining time max reps burpee over bar


for time:

200 x double-unders

50 x pull-ups

400m x run

30 x clean & jerk 50kg/30kg

20 x burpee over bar

10 x bear complex 50kg/35kg

20 x burpee over bar

30 x clean & jerk 50kg/35kg

400m x run

50 x pull-ups

1000m x row