

3 rounds of - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off

alternating between:

1 - assault bike

2 - russian kettlebell swings 32kg/24kg

3 - ski

4 - burpee box overs

5 - row 

6 - slam balls

Partner Sweat


50 x assault bike calories

30 x power snatch 50kg/35kg

40 x assault bike calories

20 x power snatch 50kg/35kg

30 x assault bike calories

10 x power snatch 50kg/35kg



50 x ski calories 

30 x clusters 50kg/35kg

40 x ski calories

20 x clusters 50kg/35kg

30 x ski calories

10 x clusters 50kg/35kg



150 x row calories *switch every 30 x calories*

while partner is doing max rounds of:

20 x double-unders

15 x wall balls

10 x chest to bar