for time:
50 x double-unders
40 x dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22.5kg/15kg
30 x wall ball
20 x calorie ski
10 x burpee muscle-ups
20 x calorie ski
30 x wall ball
40 x dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22.5kg/15kg
50 x double-unders
every 3 minutes x 6 rounds
20/15 x calorie ski
30 x double-unders
reaming time max reps:
rounds 1/4 - kettlebell swings 24kg/16kg
rounds 2/5 - hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg
rounds 3/6 - 1 arm front rack kettlebell squats 24kg/16kg
-5:00 rest-
18 minute amrap of:
10 x chest to bar
10 x box jumps
10 x handstand push-ups
*every 3 minutes stop and do - 5 x dumbbell man makers 15kg/10kg*