

3 rounds of 3 minutes on / 1 minute rest:

20/15 x calorie row

15 x burpee over rower

-remaining time max reps dumbbell man-makers 15kg/10kg


-4:00 rest-


3 rounds of 3 minutes on / 1 minute rest:

20 x box jumps

1o x power snatch 40kg/30kg

-remaining time max reps overhead squats 40kg/30kg


3 rounds of 3 minutes on / 1 minute rest:

20/15 x calorie row

15 x burpee over rower

-remaining time max reps dumbbell man-makers 15kg/10kg


-4:00 rest-


3 rounds of 3 minutes on / 1 minute rest:

20 x box jumps

1o x power snatch 40kg/30kg

-remaining time max reps overhead squats 40kg/30kg


-4:00 rest-


12 minute amrap of:

6 x hang kettlebell snatch 24kg/16kg (3 each arm)

12 x 1 arm kettlebell thrusters 24kg/16kg (6 each arm)

24 x double-unders