


10 rounds for time of:

3 x handstand push-ups

6 x deadlifts 100kg/70kg

12 x pull-ups

24 x double-unders

Partner Sweat

12 minute alternating emom of:

1) 40 seconds max calories assault bike

2) 40 seconds max back squats 80kg/55kg


-3:00 rest-


12 minute ladder of:

2 x power cleans 70kg/45kg

10 x calorie ski

4 x power cleans 70kg/45kg

10 x calorie ski

(continue to add 2 reps each round to power cleans, alternate each round with partner on the ski erg)


-3:00 rest-


4 x 90 second rounds each of:

10 x burpee over rower

remaining time max calories row