15 minute amrap of:
10 x hang power snatch 40kg/30kg
10 x overhead lunge 40kg/30kg
10 x right arm dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22.5kg/15kg
10 x left arm dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22.5kg/15kg
10 x toes to bar
10 minute amrap of:
10 x hang power snatch 40kg/30kg
10 x overhead lunge 40kg/30kg
10 x calorie ski
-4:00 rest-
10 minute amrap of:
20 x alternating dumbbell snatch 22.5kg/15kg
5 x burpee box over
10 x calorie assault bike
-4:00 rest-
10 minute amrap of:
5 x hang squat clean 50kg/35kg
10 x toes to bar
5 x burpee to target